NPS Icon-Z
Manufacturer: National Paintball Supply
Year: 1994
The NPS Icon-Z was a cheap version of the Montneel Icon-Z cloned and copied in China. These gun did not work very well and was soon discontinued. The History of the Boxer is a bit messy, but goes like this: A company called T&L Paintball was the European distributor for Montneel products in Europe. They handled all the sales, and service. Montneel sold well in Europe, especially colder climates in Scandinavia. However, T&L Paintball complained that they were not getting enough money, so they SECRETLY sent blueprints for the Montneel Z-1 to China to have an identical copy made. This identical copy was called the "Medusa", and was only sold in Europe. T&L Paintball would tell there customers it was a real Montneel, and pocketed all the profit. Montneel would never have discovered, except T&L also started to refuse to do service and upgrades on genuine Montneel guns. So, customers started to complain directly back to Montneel, and eventually it was discovered, and Montneel switched to a different distributor. T&L Paintball then took the "Medusa" clone, and offered it to American companies. Paintball Games of Dallas, owned by J.P. Hunter, agreed to be the primary American importer. They were then sold to two companies: NPS and PMI. NPS renamed the gun "NPS Icon" clearly to cause confusion. They owned the trademark for "Icon", and forced Montneel to stop using it, even though the NPS Icon was clearly stolen from the Montneel Icon. PMI renamed the gun the "Boxer" and it sold very well. It also was sold by some proshops in place of the MONTNEEL Z-1 when MONTNEEL was unable to meet demand, and also had a higher profit margin. PMI Boxers are long since forgotten, but there biggest claim to fame is that they were the first paintball gun produced entirely in China! >>More
Action: Semi Automatic
Valve Style: Montneel
Class: Open
Caliber: .68
Feed Type: Direct
Barrel: Removable
Gas Source: Contant Air
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